Previous Keynote Speakers

Over the years, the ITHET conference series has had the privilege of welcoming distinguished Plenary Speakers. Please find a list of them below:


  • Anthony E. Ward (Univ. of York, UK), Title: Is Ghostwriting something Higher Education is willing and able to challenge?
  • Anna Friesel retired (Technical University of Denmark), Title: 21st century engineering education for Inventions and Innovations in Technology


  • Professor Sirin Tekinay, Chair (GEDC), Board Member (IFEES, SEFI)
  • Prof. Fae Martin, Deputy Dean Learning and Teaching, School of Engineering and Technology at Central Queensland University
  • Prof. Marilyn Wells, Head, College of Information and Communication Technology, School of Engineering and Technology at Central Queensland University


  • Keith Bowman, University of Maryland Baltimore County, US.  Changing Learner Contexts: Implications for Equity, Inclusion and Career Success.
  • Janusz A. Koziński, Brock University, Canada. Reflecting Megatrends and Future Skills in Higher Education.
  • Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University. US.  Monitoring and Improving Student Team Experiences.


  • Stephanie Farrell, ASEE President-Elect, Rowan University, US.  Spatial Skills Training – Supporting Access and Equity in STEM Education.
  • Luis Gomes, University Nova de Lisboa & UNINOVA-CTS, Portugal.  Remote Laboratories Role Within Engineering Education.
  • Piet Kommers, University of Twente, Netherlands.  Beyond the Learning Perspective.
  • Anthony Ward, York University, UK.  Measuring and Certifying Generic Skills: Should We and Can We?


  • Robin Braun, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.  Can We Use New Ways of Modelling Complex Systems to Optimise Student Learning?
  • Rob Reilly, IEEE Education and Computer Societies, US.  You Can Receive the Nobel Prize!
  • Sirin Tekinay, Isik University, Turkey.  If All the Books in All the Libraries Talk to One Another: What Technology Can Do for Education?


  • Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University, US.  Cross-Cultural Exploration of Spatial Visualisation Abilities of First Year STEM Students.
  • Arnold Pears, Upsala University, Sweden.  The Rise and Fall of MOOC: What Can we Learn About the Education of the Future?